Family Law Center

The Schiller DuCanto and Fleck Family Law Center
DePaul University College of Law's Schiller DuCanto Fleck Family Law Center was established in 2003 to provide specialized training for students in family law and to promote law reform in this field. The center offers a broad range of child and family law courses including coursework in divorce, adoption, child advocacy, juvenile justice, and elder law. Students gain first-class training in lawyering skills through the family law clinic and numerous externship and pro bono opportunities. The center hosts ongoing lectures and symposia on current issues in family law and provides students with career counseling and academic support. Each year, the center selects ten-fifteen students for its prestigious family law fellowship program and provides scholarships to fund their summer internships in the field of child and family law.  
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Office of Advancement
1 E. Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604

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