Support the Theatre School

Support the Theatre School
Acclaimed as "a legendary training ground" (Chicago Tribune), The Theatre School was founded as the Goodman School of Drama in 1925, and joined DePaul University in 1978. A fully-accredited school within a major urban university, The Theatre School is the Midwest's oldest theatre conservatory and is renowned as one of the top professional theatre training programs in the United States.
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  • If you would like to direct your gift to more than one fund, please select view all giving opportunities and select the funds of your choice within this option.
  • If you cannot find the fund you're looking for, please select other and enter the name below. If you select other and do not enter a fund name, your gift will be directed to the General Scholarship Fund.  

Donor Information

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Employer Matching Gift
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that increase the impact of your gift. To find out if your company has such a program, please enter your employer's name.


Please email ( or send your company's matching gift form to:

DePaul University
Office of Advancement
1 E. Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604

Joint Gift

Gift Instructions